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What is a near-miss?

A near miss is a statistically significant speed and g-force event that falls under one of three categories of causation: braking, steering, or a combination of both. This algorithm is based on substantial road safety literature, and a series of real-world experiments.

A near-miss acts as a leading indicator, identifying where potentially high-risk intersections or roads exist across a transport network.

Are near-misses and crashes the same thing?

No, a near-miss is not a crash. In fact, to eliminate statistical error and account for faulty devices, Compass removes the top 1% of g-force events in order to keep the data set focused on near-misses, and to protect the privacy of drivers experiencing actual crashes.

Do all near-misses indicate a road is unsafe?

No, a near-miss or data point with a higher G-force reading does not necessarily mean a road or intersection is unsafe.

There are some traffic contexts where higher G-force readings are expected and would not necessarily indicate a potentially unsafe road or intersection. For example, although a high number of crashes occur at roundabouts, they tend to be low-injury.

Road Intelligence near-miss data is a guide to show potentially unsafe roads or intersections. Whether that near-miss data falls within expected values or is contextually appropriate and requires discretion from a traffic engineering or road safety professional to determine if those readings pose a significant concern to safety.

Interpreting Near-miss data

When you select a near-miss data point in the Road Intelligence, data about that near-miss is displayed in a dialogue box at the top righthand side of the map.

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