Average Travel Time

This metric refers to the average amount of time taken by a vehicle to pass through this pair of legs of the intersection.

To calculate the entry and exit points of the vehicle at each leg of the intersection, we use a buffer distance of 15 metres from the circle provided by the user, thus the circle size affects the travel time. The difference between the first point of entry (within the 15-metre buffer) and the last point of exit (within the same buffer) gives us the travel time through the intersection.

Median Travel Time

This metric refers to the median time taken by all the vehicles to pass through this combination of legs of the intersection. The median metric is to be used in conjunction with the average travel time metric to eliminate the influence of any outliers in the data. (The same rules for travel time as specified above apply here as well)

Average Delay

This metric refers to the average waiting time for vehicles passing through each pair of legs of the intersection. It represents the average amount of time the vehicles spent stopped, waiting to pass from one leg of the intersection to the other. Delay is calculated by calculating the difference between the timestamp when the vehicle first stopped at the intersection and the point after it started.

Stopping Vehicle (%)

This metric represents the percentage of vehicles that stopped when passing through each pair of legs of the intersection. Compass displays the percentage within the maximum of >= 85% and a minimum of =< 15%.

Non-stopping Vehicles (%)

This metric represents the percentage of vehicles that didn’t stop when passing through each pair of legs of the intersection. Compass displays the percentage within the maximum of >= 85% and a minimum of =< 15%.

Free Flow Speed

This metric refers to the average speed of vehicles (in km/h) that passed through each pair of legs of the intersection without stopping. Note, just like with travel time we use a buffer of 15 metres from the circle provided by the user to as entry and exit points to calculate the average speed.

Most Used Legs

This metric refers to the percentage of vehicles passing through each pair of legs of the intersection i.e., it gives us an indication which of legs of the intersection are used more often than others. For instance, it could say things like 20% of vehicles in an intersection went from road 1-2, while 30% went from road 2-1, and 12% went from 2-3 and so on and so forth.

Vehicle Type Volume (%)

For each pair of legs in the intersection, this metric refers to the percentage of each type of vehicle (Bus/HCV/Car etc) that took this route. For example, out of all the vehicles that travelled from entry point A to exit point B, 70% could be cars, 20% busses and the remaining 10% HCVs.

Average Queue Length

For each leg of the intersection, this metric refers to the average length of the queue of vehicles (in meters) during the date, day and time range specified.

Note: Length of queue refers to the number of vehicles in front of the last vehicle waiting to cross the intersection. A single value of Queue length is calculated per road i.e., a road might have vehicles that could turn left, right or go straight, but only a single value of queue length is calculated for the whole road. Compass calculates this by checking how far the last reported vehicle is from the intersection.